Friday 2 April 2010

It's a sign!

Shoshone's got two more signs under her belt :-)

The other day she signed bath time for the first time, which is basically rubbing your hands on your torso as if washing. And today she signed bird, supposed to be your first finger tapping your thumb in front of your face like a beak, but she did it more like "duck," which is all of your fingers instead of just the one. This one was a surprise as she just did it, commenting on the storks at the beginning of Dumbo... I know Disney again! Plus I can't remember the last time I showed her that sign!

She's getting better and better at cruising round the furniture, crosses the gap between the sofa's and goes round corners... still very slowly, but it's progress :-) And she's learning how to get down from standing, phew! Yesterday she climbed all the way to the top of the stairs, all by herself, with me behind her of course! She did it really quick though, which was pretty surprising and worrying, at that speed she could be at the top of the stairs before I even notice she's gone. MUST GET THE STAIR GATE DOWN!!!

Can't remember if I mentioned this before, and I apologise for the subject, but it's big progress... Wiyot has recently been going to the toilet all by himself. He has been doing most of it by himself for a while, but always wanted someone to go with him... make sure he didn't fall in or something?! Now he just take's himself off to the toilet, even turning the light on and off and getting tissue. He doesn't wipe by himself yet, I'd rather supervise that for now :-S On a more pleasant note, he also dresses himself too. My baby boy is growing up fast :_)

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